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Story Time | 105 Vivian

Here we are, in our very own shop in the heart of Wellington. It's been a journey from idea to the opening and thought it'd be fun for you to follow along.

Xoxo Charlie

Your first glance on a sunny day.

We always loved the idea of creating a counter that is in the middle.

The morning before the first day we opened, finally.

Do It Yourself Fittings

Ever since the idea to sparked we knew that having pipe style racks was non-negotiable. We first looked at importing custom made pipe racks via etsy, but later it clicked - maybe we could DIY it ourself! And off we went to Bunnings.

Ordering 200+ pieces of galvanised pipes wasn't an easy mission. Once every piece had been clicked and collected we laid it out only to realise that making a square will require us to glue the last two corners together, hah, back off we went to Bunnings.

Once the fittings had been screwed in we finished it off by adding a 'hanging' shelf to each rack. Cute.

A few snaps of our DIY project taking shape.

The day we picked up the keys.

Floor plan layout design.

The first DIY racks screwed into place.

The vision was starting to show.

Counter on a budget

Funny enough the counter was the first purchase for the store. We hadn't yet finalised or signed off any paperwork. But hey, if you see a good deal on trade me you grab it. The counter is an old coffee cart from Te Papa but bought off a lady in Lower Hutt whom was closing down their shop.

The metal waffled sides would match the pipe racks perfectly. We just needed to give the top a make over. The piece off wood is a recycled kitchen top that had been used as a dining table. With some help from Adrian whom does woodwork at Te Papa, we had the cutest counter for $65 NZD.

We wheeled the counter from Studio Seaweed where we had kept it until shop lease was offical.

The counter on trade me, what a score.

The old table top from Mikey's kitchen.

Fitting the new counter top.

Re-Purposed Signage